Tuesday 1 March 2016

Make & Break Competition (Spring 2016)

On Tuesday 1st March at the University of Birmingham's Civil & Mechanical Engineering Building Design Centre we held our Make & Break Competition.

This year's brief was a tower structure, with the aim to maximise the height of the load, whilst still building efficiently. Six teams, each made up of a mix of individuals, competed against each other - to construct the best structure within the time of 50 minutes

This year's brief was a tower structure, with the aim to maximise the height of the load, whilst still building efficiently. Six teams, each made up of a mix of individuals, competed against each other - to construct the best structure within the time of 50 minutes

This year the range of materials available was greater, making for a more diverse range of structures and construction techniques. Each material had a cost associated with it, and it was up to the teams to decide the most efficient way to complete the build and support their load.

Prizes were awarded to the winners, as well as certificates for second and third places. The final results list is:

1st - Team 2 - 48 points  -  WINNERS
2nd - Team 3 - 44 points
3rd - Team 1 - 42 points
4th - Team 4 - 21 points
5th - Team 5 - 15 points
6th - Team 6 - 1 point

Team 2 - Winners!

Team 3 - Runners-up

For further information, please contact us at istructeymp@gmail.com or find us on:


Post author: Tasha