Tuesday 23 June 2015

Project Talk (Summer 2015) Slipstream Sculpture

On National Women in Engineering Day we were delighted to be able to hear from:

Ralph Parker - Price & Myers

Completed in 2014, this 78 m long structure is now suspended in the new Heathrow Terminal 2 building. The sculpture is based on the movement of an aerobatic stunt plane flying through the terminal’s entrance space.
Spanning between four steel columns, 20 m above the floor and clad in riveted aluminium, Slipstream has a hidden armature structure that supports its continuously undulating plywood stress-skin surface.

We find out about this structure, which has over 32,000 unique steel, plywood and aluminium parts, together with over a quarter of a million rivets carefully positioned across its surface. 

Two and a half years and £2 million was spent on the design and construction of this fantastic sculpture, which will be seen by 20 billion a year as they pass through Terminal 2.

For further information, please contact us at istructeymp@gmail.com or find us on:




Post author: Tasha