Thursday 26 June 2014

Seminars (Summer 2014) - Routes to Membership

This week an event was held which claimed to tell you "Everything you need to know about becoming a Technician, Associate & Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers!"

In two words: It did.

We heard from Cynthia Hearing, from headquarters, John Nolan, fellow and past president as well as our local membership secretary, Steve Poutney.

If you've ever wanted to know the answers to questions such as...

  • Does a PhD count as an MEng equivalent?
  • How long after graduation do people normally apply for membership?
  • What is mutual recognition?
  • Does mutual recognition apply for the IMechE?
  • Do you have to do TM (technician membership) and AM (associate membership) before CM (chartered membership)?
  • Is the professional review different for AM?
  • What are the requirements for the research route?
  • How will the exams change from 2015?
  • How many questions will there be?
  • What should I put in my portfolio?
  • Can applicants from September go for the next exam?
  • Where can you get a CD of past papers from?
  • Is the CDC (Complimentary Design Course) suitable for bridge engineers?
  • What is a fellow?
  • Can I take my laptop into the exam?
  • Which codes should I use?
  • Are there any specific site requirements?
  • Where are exams held?
  • Should I submit computer calculations?
  • Do sketches have to be on headed calculation paper?

...then you definitely need to attend this event next time it happens!

The meeting covered everything about membership including academic qualifications, the application process, the interview and the exam. It was excellent opportunity to ask specific questions such as the ones above, as well as speak to committee members, HQ representatives and professionally qualified members. All levels of membership i.e. Technician, Associate and Chartered Membership we discussed too.

For further information, please contact the Young Members’ Panel at:

Post author: Tasha Scott