Monday 22 September 2014

Presentation Award (Autumn 2014)

Flyer - Click to enlarge
The aim of the presentation award is to encourage young members in the region to prepare and present on a topic related to structural engineering. The theme is open to wide interpretation, and this year is:
Overcoming structural engineering challenges

The competition provides an exciting professional development and networking opportunity, the prospect of enhancing your presentation skills and confidence, as well as the chance to promote yourself and your employer or university.
Finalists have been selected to give a presentation of up to 15 minutes There will be a further 10 minutes allowed after each presentation for questions from the floor.
From these finalists, the winner will receive the award and £250 whilst the runner up will receive £50.

To enter, synopses of less than 300 words were submitted by Monday 22nd September 2014 to
Entrants must be 28 years of age or below by 15/09/14. Please include your name, date of birth, address, email, and phone number. Synopses may not contain figures or tables. Entries are to be by a single presenter only. Presenters are permitted to enter in consecutive years, but must use different content.

For further information, please contact the Young Members’ Panel at:

Post author: Tasha Scott