Tuesday 18 February 2014

Competition (Winter 2014) - Make & Break

The evening of Tuesday 18th February 2014 brought together groups of graduates and students in our very popular Midlands Counties Make and Break Competition. Kindly hosted by the University of Birmingham, the lecture room was filled to capacity with thirteen teams of up to four members.

The delivered brief required teams to build a crane-type structure. This crane had to support the greatest possible load, with extra points available for efficient construction and long horizontal reach.

A total of an hour was given for design and construction, and teams quickly began thinking and discussing the best methods of building, using the provided materials of straws and tape. The crane mounting frames were well visited during construction time, as was the additional materials supply (at a cost, of course).

When the time was up, thirteen very different structures were presented for testing. First, a minimum 70g load was used to check the crane met reach requirements. Unfortunately four teams failed at this first hurdle, but hopefully they gained valuable experience from this. The remaining nine teams battled it out to carry the most load, with one team carrying over 800g!

The results were then totted up, accounting for the amount of materials used and the performance of the cranes. The final results were as follows:
1st           Tony Gee - Tony Gee  
2nd          OveDaBridge - ARUP   
3rd           Bracing Squad - WSP CEL 
4th           Two bricks Short - WSP CEL  
5th           WhatSuP!! - WSP 
6th           The Unbreakables - University of Birmingham
7th           Class of 2010 - RNP Associates 
8th           Triangles - University of Birmingham 
9th           JNRC Engineering - Coventry University 
=10th      Millenium - University of Birmingham  
=10th      Pharmageddon - WSP CEL 
=10th      Team Phoenix - Coventry University  
=10th      CivSoc - University of Birmingham 

Well done to the Bracing Squad, OveDaBridge and Tony Gee for their top three places! The winners and runners up secured themselves complimentary invites to the Midlands IStructE Annual Dinner which will take place on 6th November 2014. The winning team were also awarded Amazon vouchers in recognition of their efforts.

Special thanks must go to the Young Members’ Panel for organising the event, with coordination from the ICE G&S committee. A big thank you must also go to Jenny Illingsworth from the University of Birmingham for hosting us, and the IStructE Regional Group Committee members who attended the event, offering advice and support.

If you have any ideas for us or you’d like to get involved with the Young Members’ Panel please let us know at istructeymp@gmail.com.

Post author: Tasha Scott